

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

The Donut Hole

The Donut Hole


  • Location: 15300 Amar Rd, La Puente, CA 91744 (Just south of West Covina)

  • Hours of Operation: Weekly; 4AM to 11PM

  • Parking: You’re there to drive though it! But there is a parking lot if needed.

  • Cost: The price of your selected donuts and any other items. While they do accept cards, bring cash just in case their card reader is down which has been reported to occur.

  • Time Commitment: Less than 1/2 hour.

  • Miscellaneous: Coincidently, you’re less than 10 minutes away from the first ever In-N-Out (which is now a museum), In-N-Out University, and a modern In-N-Out, so if you were going to ruin your diet anyway, why not make a stop here too?! (13766 Francisquito Ave, Baldwin Park, CA 91706)

I’ll see your Randy’s Donuts and raise you The Donut Hole. In this particular game, no one loses if you happen to be a fan of donuts. And who doesn’t love a good donut? Los Angeles is covered with its fair share of donut shops, but there may be none more famous than The Donut Hole in La Puente. In fact, some reports call it the most photographed donut shop in America! Like Tail O’ The Pup and the Brown Derby, The Donut Hole is representative of the novelty architecture that was prevalent in the mid-twentieth century when businesses were built in the shape of familiar, oversized objects as a means self-promotion. And what better way to promote a donut shop that bookending it with two giant donuts? Genius!

While you can enter the donut shop through a “traditional” door, the whole reason for its existence is to actually drive through it to place your order. There are few things that will make you more giddy. To be honest, the donuts here are just your typical fare, but they’re all solid and won’t disappoint. But that’s not really the main reason you made the drive out in the first place, now is it? So order a few donuts and admire the architecture of a bygone era. I’d say that’s a pretty decent combo on any day.


  • Donut Hole Wikipedia page.

  • Los Angeles Conservancy; Donut Hole page.

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