

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Galco's Soda Pop Stop

Galco's Soda Pop Stop


  • Location: 5702 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042

  • Hours of Operation: Monday thru Saturday - 9AM to 6:30PM / Sunday - 9AM to 4PM

  • Parking: Free parking lot available on site.

  • Cost: Varies depending on your purchase.

  • Time Commitment: 30 minutes.

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Galco’s also has deli station that makes great sandwiches.

    • You can try making your very own unique soda flavor creation at the “make your own soda” stand.

If Willy Wonka had opened up a soda shop instead, it would’ve taken a backseat to the carbonation utopia that is Galco’s Soda Pop Stop. Located in Highland Park; a Los Angeles neighborhood east of Pasadena, Galco’s carries over 500 varieties of soda (none of which are named Coke or Pepsi). Just let that number sinks in... they carry over 500 varieties of soda! If that’s not a Guinness World Record, it should be. Featuring independent bottlers from all over the world, the soda collection at Galco’s ranges from obscure (have you ever heard of Plantation Style Mint Julep soda?) to international (like Almdudler Krauterlimonade which is billed as the National Soft Drink of Austria) and most certainly nostalgic (as a kid who grew up in Chicago, I can’t tell you how excited I was to discover that they carry Green River!). If you can think of a flavor, and a few dozen more that you wouldn’t have thought possible, Galco’s probably has it!

A real life story about the little engine that could, Galco’s Soda Pop Stop first opened in 1897 as an Italian grocery store in downtown Los Angeles (then known as Galco’s Imported Grocery) . It was owned by Galioto and Corto Passi until they eventually partnered with Louis Nese in 1940 who used to sell newspapers in front of Galco’s as a boy. Louis bought the store outright several years later and eventually moved the shop to its current home in 1955. Louis then passed the business on to his son; John, who still owns the shop today. It was John who transformed the onetime grocery store into the bubbly paradise that it is today, mostly out of necessity. After decades of prosperity, the emergence of large chain grocery stores and their massive distribution channels were crippling small businesses like Galco’s. It was time to innovate or close shop. So in 1995, John Nese came up with an idea that seemed crazy at the time; team up with small soft drink companies who had also been hurt by the proliferation of major brands in order to create a boutique shop dedicated to soda. Like the movie; Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come”. And that’s exactly what happened. It was enough to gain the attention of local broadcast legend; Huell Howser, who featured Galco’s on an episode of California Gold (thanks to a letter that John’s daughter wrote to Huell). Once the episode aired, publications like the New York Times and Los Angeles Times called upon Galco’s which only brought more attention. The rest is history. Today, Galco’s Soda Pop Stop is one of the preeminent soda shops in the country, if not the world.

In addition to its extensive selection of sodas, Galco’s also carries an impressive collection of unique beers (I didn’t even know that Trappist beers; beer brewed by monks, was a thing), ciders, wines, and sakes that would be almost impossible to find in a single location anywhere else. It also has a “make your own soda” station where you can make your very own soda creation, and an excellent deli sandwich counter that is a carryover from its grocery store days. But Galco’s greatest asset is John Nese himself. When you enter Galco’s Soda Pop Stop, it’s a safe bet that you’ll find John working the aisles, tending to another batch of exotic liquid. If so, do yourself a favor and say hello because your visit won’t be complete until you make his acquaintance and spend a few minutes chatting him up. The foremost expert on anything with fizz, John is the kind of man that you’d like to have as your grandfather and there isn’t a single item on his shelves that he doesn’t know inside and out. He’ll be more than happy to tell you about it too which is usually accompanied by a funny anecdote and belly laugh that will bring a warm smile to your face. So much so, I’ve visited Galco’s several times just to have another conversation with him. Suffice it to say, I’m a big fan of John Nese and Galco’s Soda Pop Stop and I have no doubt you will be too after visiting. 



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