

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Pasadena Chalk Festival

Pasadena Chalk Festival


  • Location: The Paseo - 300 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101

  • Hours of Operation: June 15 & 16 (2019) - 10AM to 7PM

  • Parking: Street parking, mostly metered.

  • Cost: Free!

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hours should be plenty to walk around the various chalk displays.

  • Miscellaneous: Please see their website below (under “resources”) if you want to apply as an artist.

Did you know that the largest street painting festival in the entire world (a Guinness World Record since 2010) is right here in Southern California? Held in Pasadena for one weekend each summer since 1993, the Pasadena Chalk Festival is a true sight to behold as these amazing artists literally use the festival’s sidewalks as their canvases, turning the typically drab concrete into a quilt of rainbow-colored art that stretches out for blocks in every direction.

It’s almost hypnotizing as you watch each artist work, their art slowing coming to life in vivid swaths of chalk as they draw closer and closer to completion. This festival is also a competition with various categories on the line such as; Best Animation, Best Rendition of a Masterpiece, People’s Choice, and of course Best in Show. And proceeds from the festival contribute to funding various art and learning programs at schools around the area. So when you buy that $8 bottle of water, you can at least feel like you’re doing your part to further the arts. Heck, that justifies getting a couple of churros while you’re at it then.



X Wine Railroad

X Wine Railroad

Pressing Apple Cider at Riley's Los Rios Rancho. Oak Glen, CA

Pressing Apple Cider at Riley's Los Rios Rancho. Oak Glen, CA