

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Deep Creek Hot Springs

Deep Creek Hot Springs


  • Bowen Ranch Trailhead Address: 6139 Bowen Ranch Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92308.

    • You can also access Deep Creek Hot Springs via the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) from Lake Arrowhead.

  • Location: San Bernardino National Forest on the southern outskirts of Apple Valley and six miles north of Lake Arrowhead.

  • Hours of Operation: Sunrise to sunset.

  • Parking: Ample parking in dirt lot at Bowen Ranch. $10 (CASH ONLY). The folks working the parking entrance at Bowen Ranch can get cranky, so be prepared! Also, much of Bowen Ranch Road is an uneven and rocky. In most cases, this shouldn’t be an issue in a 2WD car, but just be ready for a bumpy ride.

  • Cost: $10 to park at Bowen Ranch. Free if accessing with PCT.

  • Time Commitment: At you own discretion. The trail from Bowen Ranch is approximately 2 & 1/2 miles to the hot springs (6 miles from Lake Arrowhead using the PCT) and you’ll need to return by sunset so remember to factor the hike in & out when budgeting your time here.

Who doesn’t love dipping into nice hot-tub every now and then? I suppose that question is as silly as asking if you like birthday gifts and Taco Tuesdays. There are few things more tranquil than being submerged in a sultry body of water. The only thing that might be better is doing so in one of nature’s very own hot-tubs, and if that’s of any interest to you, might I suggest making your way to Deep Creek Hot Springs located in the San Bernardino National Forest.

Talk about bang for your buck! Not only will you find one hot spring for your all your efforts, multiple baths await your arrival (3-5 depending on the time of year you go) stacked in a pyramid-like formation against a rocky hillside, cascading into one another until the last hot spring spills over into Deep Creek. Each of these tiered springs varies in temperature (96°-105° throughout most of the year), the intensity decreasing as you descend into the next one below. The final pool separates itself from Deep Creek by a man-made stone perimeter which makes for easy access into the refreshing coolness of the creek anytime you need a little relief from the heat, be-it the hot springs or weather. Burke Williams ain’t got nothing on this place.

There are two access points to the Deep Creek Springs; a 6 mile trail from Lake Arrowhead by way of the PCT, and the trail from Bowen Ranch. We chose the latter because of the parking lot option ($10) and the shorter 2 & 1/2 mile distance. From Bowen Ranch, the trail drops over 900 feet in elevation. The whole time down, I was thinking that the springs better be worth it because the hike back up was going to be brutal. They were! And it was! Also worth noting, this trail has absolutely no coverage until you reach the springs, so if it happens to be a sunny day out, I hope you remembered to bring some sunscreen and a hat.

And if the hot springs alone aren’t enough to keep you entertained (blasphemous!), you can find a rope swing ready for launch on one side of the creek, a slack-line stretched over another section of the creek for anyone wanting to do their best flying Wallenda impersonation, and an elevated peak for those bold enough to dive from. Now that’s what I call a waterpark! Take head though because the water has been known to carry primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. But you’re generally safe as long as you don’t drink it or open your eyes underneath for an extended amount of time. An even larger menace may be the nudists who frequent these hot springs. Clothing is definitely optional here, so consider your virgin eyes warned and enjoy!



  • San Bernardino National Forrest; Deep Creek Hot Springs page.

  • AllTrails; Deep Creek Hot Springs page.

  • CaliHotSprings; Deep Creek Hot Springs page.

  • TheOutBoud; Deep Creek Hot Springs page.

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