

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Samskara Exhibition at Wisdome Los Angeles

Samskara Exhibition at Wisdome Los Angeles


  • Location: 527 Colyton St, Los Angeles, CA 90013

  • Hours of Operation:

    • Thursday: 11AM to 9PM (Doors close at 8:15PM. Final Samskara showing is 8:30PM)

    • Friday & Saturday: 11AM to 12AM (Doors close at 11:15PM. Final Samskara showing is 11:30PM)

    • Sunday: 11AM to 9PM. (Doors close at 8:15PM. Final Samskara showing is 8:30PM)

  • Parking: Free street parking. Please observe any posted street signs.

  • Cost: $29 Adult / $19 Student / $9 Child

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hours should provide plenty of time.

  • Miscellaneous:

    • If there are any After Dark special events - Samskara will be playing in one of the smaller domes starting at 3PM.

    • Tickets for regular operating hours maybe be used for other dates as long as the ticket has not been scanned.

    • Re-entry for the same day is welcomed.

    • Open rain or shine.

    • WISDOME Los Angeles hosts others events within the domes such as concerts, mediation classes, and Kirtans. Please check their website below (under “resources”) for details, schedule of events, and additional pricing.


WISDOME Los Angeles self-anoints themselves as the world’s first fully immersive entertainment art park. That’s a pretty bold claim, but then again, this is a pretty bold venture. Located downtown on the outskirts of the Arts District, WISDOME Los Angeles is best experienced at night in order to get the full effect of the domes glowing to life in the darkness. There are a total of five domes on the compound for you to explore. The first dome is intended to set the mood with several mirrored installations that provide those much needed selfie opportunities. You’ll move on to the Mandala Dome which currently houses the artwork of Android Jones and his Samskara exhibition. It’s a psychedelic collection for sure, eliciting equal amounts of unease and awe as you weave around each piece which contain both earthbound and etherial elements, living somewhere in-between your dreams and nightmares. The Creativity Dome comes next which is where you will find various VR games and demos to try as well as the gift shop (there’s always a gift shop). I’ve never been a big fan of VR, most likely because I’ll forever judge them against the holodeck in Star Trek which is overwhelming unfair, but in my humble opinion, they’re still a long ways off from being anything more than just a gimmick so we quickly moved on the the fourth and largest dome (The Mantra Dome) to view the digital art component of the Samskara exhibition projected upon the dome’s 90 foot underbelly. Presented in 1/2 hour intervals, you’ll find mattress-sized cushions to lay upon as you watch a kaleidoscope of images dance above your head. Almost hypnotic and certainly the world’s most elaborate sleeping aide, you’ll find yourself weaving in and out of consciousness until the show draws to an end. The Yantra Dome is the fifth and final dome you’ll encounter. It’s basically a smaller version of the Mantra Dome here, same set up and all, as another digital art projection illuminates the dome’s ceiling. All in all, WISDOME offers a pretty unique visual experience that may or may not be your particular cup of tea. I guess there’s only one way for you to find out.



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