

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Los Sabrosos al Horno

Los Sabrosos al Horno


  • Location: 4901 Patata Street, Cudahy, CA 90201 (Cudahy is just northwest of Downey)

  • Hours of Operation: Saturday & Sunday - approximately 3PM until they run out of pig!

    • Please check their Facebook page (provided below under “resources”) for updated schedule and hours of operation. They’re super responsive to FB messages!

  • Parking: Free street park. Please observe any posted parking signs.

  • Cost: $1.75/taco (additional cost for beverages)

  • Time Commitment: 30 minutes.

I seldom do food write-ups because it’s done much better by those with far superior expertise. But when I encounter a dining option that is an experience all to itself, capturing the obscure and wonderful nature of this website, it needs to be shared. Los Sabrosos al Horno is one of these experiences.

If you’re looking for fancy ambiance or spectacle, you’ll need to look elsewhere. A street-side stand opened by David Delfín in October 2020, Los Sabrosos al Horno is located along a set of railroad tracks in an industrial section of Cudahy (yeah, I didn’t know it was a town either), operating from underneath a small pop-up canopy. They do one thing, and they do it quite well: whole-roasted suckling pig tacos (“puerquito horneado”). Your only option is whether to take your salsa de mostaza mild or spicy, and if you want a beverage. Each taco is complete with a piece of crispy pork skin which provides a little extra crunch. And should you question if the pork is carved straight from hog, the proof is literally staring right back at you on the grill. I’m sure you won’t be able to take your eyes off this porcine centerpiece while you’re placing your order. I suppose there is a little spectacle after all!

When I typically think of whole-roasted pig, images of Hawaiian Luaus or Southern-style barbecue fill my head, but never in the form of a taco. That’s because it’s a rare find, even for a taco-crazed city like Los Angeles due to the laborious effort that is required. But all it takes is one bite from this succulent combination to understand that it’s a match made in heaven, and you’ll wonder why this wasn’t a thing so much sooner! But if you’re still debating whether it’s worth the drive, don’t just take my word for it, the growing line that forms each weekend (I suggest arriving when they open, if possible), all waiting to order some puerquito horneados is all you need to know.



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Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park

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