

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park


  • Location: 5068 Old Scandia Ln, Calabasas, CA 91372

  • Hours of Operation:

    • Monday & Tuesday: 8AM to 5PM (office close at 4:30PM)

    • Wednesday: closed

    • Thursday thru Saturday: 8AM to 5PM (office close at 4:30PM)

    • Sunday: 9AM to 4PM (office closed)

  • Parking: Limited free parking on site.

  • Cost: Free!

  • Time Commitment: 30 minutes.

Only in LA” has become one of my favorite expressions while living in this often peculiar (and beloved!) city. I could certainly use this statement when describing the unique Los Angeles trend of treating cemeteries like Forrest Lawn as a park space since a cemetery is probably the last location you’d ever consider for a leisurely afternoon. But it’s a thing. Only in LA.

Then there’s the whole notion of a pet cemetery. Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t just a Stephen King novel or some shrubbery at Disneyland that people sneakily sprinkle their pet ashes upon. No, you can find one of the oldest and largest pet cemeteries in the country right here in Los Angeles, and if you ever get the opportunity to visit, you’ll swear it’s better than most human options. Yes, only in LA.

So what do you get when you combine a strolling park with a pet cemetery in Southern California? The answer is Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park in Calabasas. Founded by veterinarian Dr. Eugene Jones in 1928, LAPMP is situated on ten acres of pristinely-manicured land that inters over 40,000 dearly-departed pets. Even more impressive is its animal mausoleum, ornate headstones, and loving epitaphs that would make most two-legged creatures envious. If you ever needed proof how much we love our pets, look no further. LAPMP welcomes pets of all shapes and sizes including dogs (of course), cats, bunny rabbits, horses, monkeys, and yes, even a lion. And there are the obligatory celebrity pet burials as well belonging to the likes of Charlie Chaplin, Humphrey Bogart, Orson Welles, Diana Ross, and Steven Spielberg. It’s quite the experience exploring the grounds and reading all the headstones and grave markers you come across. Is this everyone’s cup of tea? Probably not. But it’s one you can only have in LA, for sure!



  • Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park website.

Los Sabrosos al Horno

Los Sabrosos al Horno

Ricardo Breceda Gallery

Ricardo Breceda Gallery