

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

The Healing Studio

The Healing Studio


  • Location: 27734 Avenue Scott #100, Valencia, CA 91355

  • Hours of Operation: Daily - please see their website (provided below under “resources”) for availability and to book an appointment.

  • Parking: Free parking lot on site.

  • Cost: $125/session. (As of this posting, they are running a $99 special)

  • Time Commitment: 1 hour.

Your one-way ticket inside the harmonic egg!

Your one-way ticket inside the harmonic egg!

The term “harmonic egg” likely conjures up a wide variety of images in one’s head, the least of which being a giant egg-shaped chamber that induces a state of deep relaxation to anyone that sits within, but that’s exactly what you’ll find at The Healing Studio in Santa Clarita. To be more precise, you’ll find two harmonic eggs there that, in principle, use a combination of sacred geometry, light, color, and music to help empower the body's own healing energy in order to return ourselves back to homeostasis which in turn optimizes our health and wellness.

Benefits of a harmonic egg session are said to include:

  • Destress the body

  • Rebalance the chakras

  • Reset the autonomic nervous system

  • Improve physical and emotional well-being

  • Promote spiritual healing

  • Inspire deep meditation

  • Provide mental clarity and focus

How much weight you put into any of that, I’ll leave for future debate, but if you’re looking for an innovative way to get away from the world and leave all your stresses behind… at least for an hour, then I recommend giving it a try. After all, spending some peaceful time in a serene environment is never a bad thing.

You’ll begin your session by meeting with the owners of The Healing Studio; Alex and Yvette who will provide an introduction to the experience and discuss how to mentally prepare yourself for the specific intention you hope to address during your time inside the egg. For me, it was simply to destress from the rigors of my job. Then you’ll be guided into a room that contains one of the eggs and placed within the chamber upon a comfortable reclining chair that lays you pretty much horizontal. A blanket is provided for good measure. After a few final instructions, the chamber is closed, leaving you in the company of your own solitude.

I found myself cycling through moments of falling asleep into extreme moments of alertness, both prompted by the purple and pink hues emanating from the light above. If you’ve ever spent time in a flotation tank, it was a similar experience but without getting wet, as I was consumed with an overall sensation of calmness. After 40 minutes the dulcet chime of crystals will notify you that there are 10 minutes left in your session. These final 10 minutes are conducted in silence to help reintegrate you back to the “loudness” of life. Once you’ve exited the egg, Alex and Yvette will spend a few minutes with you (along with some complimentary dried blueberries and an electrolyte beverage) to discuss the experience you just had. I’m glad we gave this unique excursion a chance and wouldn’t hesitate doing it again. Any opportunity to recharge the body (and quite possibly the soul) is always welcome.



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Three Dog Bakery

Namaste Farms Getaway

Namaste Farms Getaway