Van Nuys Cruise Night
Location: Van Nuys Boulevard.
Exact blocks on Van Nuys Blvd may vary each Cruise Night. On the night I went, it took place between Vanowen Street & Sherman Way.
Hours of Operation:
Typically the 3rd Saturday of each month, starting at 5PM. Please see their facebook page for current dates and times.
Parking: Street parking available. Please observe posted parking signs.
Cost: Free!
Time Commitment: 1 hour.

On most nights, Van Nuys Boulevard is a dilapidated collection of storefronts, and while it serves its purpose as a major thoroughfare across the San Fernando Valley, the dreary locale has a face that only a mother could love. But it comes alive once a month in a parade of classic cars and tricked-out lowriders that defy the laws of time and gravity as they galavant and literally “hop” along the boulevard. This vibrant collection of cars is accompanied by an equally vibrant collection of people, all of whom have gathered to showoff and appreciate the legacy of car culture that is so uniquely apart of this city’s fabric.
It’s true that hardly anybody ever walks in Los Angeles. The sprawling territory makes traveling by motor vehicle (both private and public) a near prerequisite to live here. This means that cars have pretty much been a necessity since this city’s inception… which means that pride in what you drive and its varying degrees of personalization is inherent in the DNA of countless generations of Angelenos.
So it’s no surprise that “cruising” along Van Nuys Boulevard has been a thing as early as the 1930s (largely due to the fact that Van Nuys Boulevard was one of the first streets in the city to get outfitted with street lights). Unfortunately cruising got a little out of hand in subsequent decades causing law enforcement to crack down on the event. But thanks to a cooperation between local government officials, the police department, and the various attending car clubs, the event has been revitalized in recent years.
In fact, it’s the car clubs who implore attendees to “respect the boulevard” the most. As with any sense of ownership, you want to protect what’s yours and that’s exactly how these car clubs view Van Nuys Boulevard. But the night is hardly for “members-only”. The event welcomes owners and admirers alike with car club members more than happy to talk to you about their particular ride, indulging anyone who wants a photo op. The whole night almost feels like a block party. Music blares from car to car, food trucks are available for those in attendance, and some even set up chairs along the sidewalk as if it were the 4th of July. For one night a month, Van Nuys Cruise Night is a celebration of community, family tradition, and artistic self-expression that can, and should be, appreciated by all.
Van Nuys Cruise Night Facebook Page.
Van Nuys Cruise Night Instagram Page.