

We only live once so why not make the most of it?! Endeavor to discover something new everyday, no matter how big or small. I hope you enjoy my experiences off the beaten path and can use some of the info I’ve provided along the way!

Birthday Freebees


We all have one special day as the earth completes another revolution around the sun, so in the immortal words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle from Parks and Recreation - TREAT YO SELF! After all, you only get one birthday a year so why not spoil yourself with as many birthday freebees as you are rightfully owed? I’m not just talking about that free breakfast slam from Denny’s that everyone knows about (which is still there for the taking), I’m talking about a multitude of complimentary delights that you can take advantage of as long as you’re in the know (you can find that list below under “resources”). Fair warning, it’ll take a little pre-planning to redeem since most (if not all) of these freebees requires signing up to their respective rewards program (pro-tip: create a dummy email account for this), but the good news is that you’re usually given several weeks (if not your entire birthday month) to claim. I was able to collect 26 such freebees this year. How many will you enjoy?!


  • There are plenty of websites that detail all the freebees you’re entitled to on your birthday, but this website has the most comprehensive list I’ve seen (a/o August 2023).

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