LAX Plane Watching Park by In-N-Out
Location: 9220 S Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (at intersection of 92nd Street across from the In-n-Out)
Hours of Operation: Daily - Sunrise to Sunset.
Parking: Free street parking on 92nd Street. Please take note of all posted parking signs.
Cost: Free!
Time Commitment: 30 minutes to 1 hour.

We didn’t have much growing up, so my mom would often find innovative (and mostly free) ways to keep me entertained as a kid. I have a lot of fond memories of those times, especially when we’d drive to the lookout at our local airport to watch all the planes come and go. We’d spend the time crafting stories about the people on each plane and what adventures they might be heading to or returning from. Just a boy and his mom hanging out at the airport, dreaming. As an adult, I’ve grown to mostly dread the entire airport experience like everyone else. Despite that, there will always be a tiny piece of me that views these transportation purgatories with a bit of fondness thanks to the lingering nostalgia.
I know, I know… the idea of lounging around LAX must sound less than appealing, but if that urge ever strikes your fancy, I humbly recommend the small park that sits across the street from the Westchester In-N-Out Burger on Sepulveda Boulevard. A favorite spot amongst the tiny population that considers themselves LAX plane enthusiasts, I challenge you to find anything more “LA” than a plane landing above palm trees and the iconic In-N-Out marquee thanks to its unique position directly underneath the north runway. The views are something else as planes glide directly overhead a little closer than you’d expect. And did I mention you’ll be next to an In-N-Out? Now that’s what I call a win-win situation!