"The Nets" - Simi Valley
Location: “The Nets” can be found off Hummingbird Trail in Simi Valley. (Hummingbird Trail should appear in your navigation device. But just incase, take the Kuehner Drive exit off the 118 freeway and head north. Kuehner Drive will dead-end at the trailhead in less than a mile.
Hours of Operation: Daily - Sunrise to Sunset.
Parking: Free street parking near trailhead. (Make note to pay careful attention to posted parking signs since they’re SUPER confusing). In addition, there’s a small free parking lot on your left off Kuehner Drive about 100 yards from the trailhead.
Cost: Free!
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours.
Dogs are allowed on the trail, but please be aware that the last stretch to reach the cave involves some very steep rock-scrambling which I would consider unsafe for any dog that isn’t secured in some sort of dog harness or backpack. Even then, I would not recommend proceeding with any dog over 10-15 pounds.
Please consider your own safety as well when scrambling down to the cave. Even with the provided safety line down the last portion to the cave, the descent is still pretty dangerous so make sure you’re wearing proper footwear and take your time!
There is no shade for the majority of the hike, so be sure to bring plenty of water and sun protection.
Please be aware that a good portion of the hike to “The Nets” is off-trail. So make sure to keep track of your surroundings to avoid getting lost.
Hummingbird Trail is also a popular dirt biking trail, so keep an eye out for bikers around every corner to avoid collision. (Several near collisions occurred during our hike!)

Affectionately referred to as “The Nets” by those in the know due to its net hammocks and storage space, this hidden cave can be accessed off Hummingbird Trail in Simi Valley. In an attempt to preserve its hidden nature, I’m going to be as vague as possible when describing how to find The Nets, but I promise it’ll be worth your effort since the difficulty of finding it is part of the reward (I needed two separate hikes to discover its whereabouts).
So let’s begin with the basics. Hummingbird Trail is a popular hiking destination in the area, so you’ll have no trouble finding the trailhead. After starting the trail, you’ll reach a fork at one of the last trailmarkers after about a quarter of a mile. You’ll proceed left in order to begin your adventure. I won’t provide too many more details from this point forward so that the challenge of finding The Nets is your own accomplishment, but here’s a couple of tips that’ll keep you moving in the right direction. Watch for multiple painted rabbits and arrows along the way that will guide you to this magical destination. And if you haven’t reached The Nets in approximately 1.5 miles, you’ve most likely missed it.
Your trek to The Nets is pretty steep (almost 1000 feet in gained elevation) so you’ll be huffing & puffing for sure as you make your ascent, but the benefit is that it’ll give you an amazing vantage point of Simi Valley as you continue to climb skyward. And as one final safety warning, the last 30 yards to The Nets requires some pretty steep rock-scrambling down to the base of the cave. While there is a safety line bolted into the rock-face that’ll aid your descent, I would still use the upmost caution. After all, who knows how secure that safety line is?! Once down, you’ll find a nearby ladder which will lead you up into the cave. Once there, you’ll be welcomed by a Technicolor array of graffiti art that makes this location all the more surreal. I’m sure your legs will need a break, so why not relax in one of the hammocks or benches within and enjoy the stunning view in front of you.
NOTE: The Nets is also home to a hidden swing at the mouth of the cave, but was waiting to be replaced during our visit. I guess that gives me another reason to return!